Scripture: Isaiah 43:19    

This verse exposes the innovativeness of God; "Behold I will do a new thing". He does not promise that he will continue doing the same thing but He says He will do a new thing. We often miss God because we tend to function in the place where God was rather than transitioning to the place that God is.

The greatest contribution you can make to your surroundings today is "innovation". Innovation is simply using or showing new methods or ideas. If you got up this morning and the only thing you have on your agenda is a repeat of yesterday, you have violated the significance of the new day that God has given you. God demonstrates his innovation by giving you a new day and doing a new thing in you. He is offended when you take the new and only stuff it into that which is old.

Stop waiting on the email from the corporate office to tell you a new procedure. The best employees are not those who can simply follow procedures but it's those who can be innovative presenting new methods and ideas. Even your personal success is connected to your boldness to try the new method or idea that's in your mind.

Innovative people rarely need motivation. Motivation is stirred by innovation. If your life seems dull and stagnant it's because you have followed too many established methods and ideas. Be innovative and watch how much more exciting your life becomes.