Numbers 22:16
......................Let nothing, I pray thee, hinder thee.....................

I had to visit a client the other day and parked on a steep incline. I activated the parking brakes for safety reasons. When I returned to the vehicle I started the car, put it in drive, pressed the gas but went nowhere. I remembered that the parking brake was on. Once I released the brakes I was off to my next appointment.

While driving, the Spirit of the Lord spoke and illuminated the life lesson that I had just been given. Often in life we are trying to get somewhere but we have not released the brakes. The vehicle that I was driving is equipped so that the parking brakes totally prohibit the car from moving. Other vehicles can move with the parking brakes activated but the speed is hindered and the driver feels the strain.  We go through life wondering why progress is prohibited at its worse or strained at its best. Have you released the parking brakes?

The parking brakes may be habits in our lives that needs to be broken.  The parking brakes can be refusing to forgive; holding a grudge.  It can be living a life of sin; rebellion; disobedience.  It can even be personal commitments that override our responsibilities to the things of God; little time to pray because there is so much else that needs to be done. You will have to evaluate your life to determine what you need to release in order to move forward according to God's plan.

Heed to the text. "Let nothing hinder you." Take the brakes off.