"LEARN TO WORK TOGETHER" Scripture: Proverbs 6:6
"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise" It has not rained in South Carolina in 1000 years to the extent that it rained this past week. Flood waters have caused tremendous damage. One South Carolina city received 27 inches of rain. Over 12 people lost their lives. It has been a time of great devastation. In the midst of all of the devastation we have been able to learn lessons from the ants. In this post I have attached a URL that I encourage you to watch. The video shows how hundreds if not thousands of ants connect themselves together to survive the South Carolina flood. One article states that ants have the ability to form life rafts out of their own bodies. They link together to create a weave that allows the masses to float on the water. The fine layer of hairs on the ants' bodies even traps a layer of air to prevent the ants on the lowest level of the raft from being completely submerged. The ants on the top are working to help the ones on the bottom. The Bible admonishes us to observe the ant so that we become wiser. Ants know how to blend their abilities and talents with other ants. They cooperate with each other so that they can reach the common goal.
Henry Ford said "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." Learn to work together.