Scripture: Exodus 14:15

  The Australian Coat of Arms has the picture of two creatures.  One is the kangaroo and the other is the emu.  These two animals were chosen by the Australian government because of one similar characteristic.  The kangaroo and the emu are physically designed so that they only move forward.  The kangaroo and the emu do not walk backwards. 

The emu has three toes on its foot and if it tries to go backwards it will fall.  The kangaroo has a long tail that it will stumble over if it attempts to walk backwards.   The Australian government chose these two creatures to represent what they want their country and citizens to practice.  They want a people who are prohibited from ever going backwards.  Moving forward is the only option. 

Like the kangaroo and the emu, it is important that going backwards ceases to be an option for you.  In Exodus 14:15, Moses and the children of Israel have approached the Red Sea.  The Good News Translation (GNT) of this verse reads "The Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out for help? Tell the people to move forward."  What was in front of Israel was as dangerous as what was behind them.  If they go backwards, they will fall into the hands of Pharaoh and his army.  If they go forward they are subject to drowning in the sea.  Either direction poses danger.  The difference is that God ordered them to move forward.  It's always safe to follow God's instructions.

Whatever you are facing in life today, the command of God has not changed, "go forward."  It's better to fall on your knees moving forward than to fall on your behind  going backwards.  "Go forward."  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."