Scripture: Philippians 2:3 

Have you ever heard of Claudette Colvin? She was the 15 year old girl who, on March 2, 1955, refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus. Nine months later, Rosa Parks rode the same bus and made the same decision. Due to internal politics in the Black community it was concluded that Claudette Colvin was not a good model to represent Black America in its quest for equality. Rosa Parks was an older and more respectable woman so the bus boycotts were arranged around her image rather than that of Claudette Colvin.  

 Claudette Colvin did not fight against the decision of the Black community and consequently most know little to nothing of her. After conducting some research I have concluded that her life is a lesson for us all. Claudette Colvin could have approached this occasion in life as a WWF wrestler and fought with others for what was rightfully hers or she could approach it as a long distance relay runner and passed the baton for the benefit of the whole rather than the belt of one. She ultimately passed the baton to Rosa Parks rejecting her own opportunity for national fame and historical recognition.

Many people will die having won lots of belts and trophies. Personal walls of fame will be crowded with plaques, certificates, and other documents of notable accomplishments. Life is not about how many belts and trophies we receive but how many batons we pass. Rosa Park's courage grew from the seed planted by Claudette Colvin. Rosa Parks was the tree but Claudette Colvin was the seed.  

In life we will make a greater impact if we demand less for ourselves and pass more on to others. Seed works underground and is rarely applauded but without it there would not be a tree and certainly there would not be fruit. Many of us will never be tall standing trees with fruit that last only for a season. It is better to live life as a seed that will produce trees for years yet to come. Life is not always about us as individuals but it's about those who carry the baton as the race continues.