Scripture:  Galatians 5:25-26
"If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit....." (ESV)

During my recent outdoor birthday celebration, the disc jockey announced "it's time to do the Cha Cha slide". I had no idea what he was talking about but immediately people got up from their tables and hit the parking lot which quickly transformed to a dance floor. Since it was my birthday, I thought I would give it a try. After several attempts to remember the steps, I gave up and went back to doing something I was good at, (eating).

The Cha Cha slide has a lot of steps. From stepping with the left foot, crossing your right foot over the left one, sliding, stepping with the left foot behind you, then the right foot behind you, stomping and jumping and twirling; it was frustrating for a beginner. I could not stay in step and the only way to do it right was to stay in step.

Those who were good at it had obviously practiced. Paul admonishes us to keep in step with the Spirit. For a novice, spiritual stepping will be frustrating in the beginning but you must practice   consistently. In the twenty-sixth verse Paul gives us three things we must learn if we are going to keep in step with the spirit. He writes that we should not be conceited. Don't challenge or provoke others. And lastly, don't be covetous of others. Live by the Spirit and keep in step with Him.