Genesis 2:2
"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made." (KJV)

I do quite a bit of driving but rarely do I drive long distances. Recently I decided to put my vehicle on the road for a 200 mile drive. After driving for about 2 hours, my vehicle beeped and the image of a steaming cup of coffee with a message saying "attention assistance, take a break" appeared on the dashboard. I read up on this technology I learned that when I enter the car, the system creates an individual profile and starts recognizing my behavior while I'm fully alert. The system detects fatigue when my movement, speed, and other normal behaviors change and then alerts me that it's time to take a break.

You are probably wondering what I did after the beep and the alert flashed on my dashboard. I pushed the "ok" button on the steering wheel which removed the message and I kept driving. Unfortunately, that's what busy workaholics do. We ignore the beeps that our body makes and the alerts that come from our behavior changes and we keep going. When the smallest thing frustrates you and you find yourself yelling without reason, that maybe your body beeping and alerts flashing. At some point, stop hitting the "ok" button ignoring the warnings. It's time that we listen to the beeps and pay attention to the alerts. Take a break before the beep is drowned out by sirens.

Even God ended his work which he had made; and he rested.