Isaiah 43:19
"Behold, I will do a new thing........."

A few weeks ago we held a leadership meeting for our church at an off-site location. I got up, got dressed for the meeting, and proceeded as I do on a regular basis. After about 15 minutes of driving, it dawned on me that I was going the wrong way. I was following my normal route to the church, but the meeting was being held at a different place.  I then used my navigation device to input the address of the other location. That's when the Spirit spoke to me and said "this is your leadership lesson for today.  You will never get to a new place traveling the same route."

How often do we pray and ask God to do something new in our lives. In fact, He has already told us that He is doing a new thing. New things are rarely (if ever) accomplished through old ways. I was so programmed with the usual route that I didn't even think about where I was going. If the way you do things is the way you have always done things then you will continue to end up at the place you have always been.  Where you are supposed to be and where you are going must correlate. I would have missed where I was supposed to be had I continued where I was going.

You will have to change the route to match the destination. Has God given you a new destination? Is He doing a new thing in your life? If so, you will have to change the route.