1 Thessalonians 3:8
"For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord."

Before my mother passed, my nephew had planted a garden in her backyard.  He planted tomato plants and put metal cages around each one so that the vines would attach to the cage. I went to the garden recently and some of the cages had been blown over by winds of previous storms and the tomatoes were lying on the ground rotten.  The cages that were still standing had perfect green and some red tomatoes. The scene proved that the life of the tomatoes depended on the stability of the cage. The tomatoes lived because the cage withstood the storms.

When Paul writes, "for now we live", he's referring to himself and Timothy. Paul had visited the Thessalonians but was in Corinth when he wrote this letter.  The church in Thessalonica was facing difficulties so Paul sent Timothy to encourage them to keep the faith. Timothy went to Thessalonica and returned to Corinth with good news. He told Paul that the people of Thessalonica were doing well and standing fast in the Lord. Once Paul heard the news his strength was renewed.  He even says "It gives us new life to know that you are standing firm in the Lord." (NLT).

It may surprise you to know how much strength other people are receiving from you. People observe your strength and consequently they are renewed. Your life is holding up somebody else's.  Others are doing what they do because they have seen you do it and you are a testimony that it can be done. How many people will go down if you cease to stand?  This is truly what it means to stand for others.