Scripture Acts 27:14

Meteorologists have named storms since the Bible days. Because storms occur so often, meteorologist attached names to the storms so that they can record the actual damages or lack thereof. Acts 27 records Paul on his journey to Rome and a typhoon occurred. The author identifies the storm by the name Euroclydon which means "an agitating wind."

Years ago washing machines were made with an agitator that sat in the middle of the tub. The agitator was necessary for the clothes to get clean. It tossed the clothes backwards and forwards, causing them to rub together. The machine would be set at a particular speed dependent upon the condition of the load. Heavy stains required stronger agitation.

Those kinds of machines are less common today and people sometimes assume they are buying a machine without an agitator. In actuality, there is no such thing. There may not be a visible agitator in the middle of the tub; however, those machines are designed so that agitation occurs as the entire tub twists or some other method of agitation. Simply put, agitation is necessary to get the job done.

Agitation is a part of life. Life itself will toss you to and fro, forward and backwards, up and down. We get agitated with family, friends, work, and even ourselves. Learn from Paul as you endure agitations. Don't listen to bad advice. Don't throw away things you need for survival (like church). Stay with the ship.

Yes you are agitated but don't lose hope. Hold on; you are going to survive.